Home > Artworks > Angharad Segura Tejera

Photo of Angharad Segura Tejera Spain

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I really love photography as a way of express myself, as a way to know, understand and see how life is, for me, through my eyes, and shows it through my photos.
But the most important thing for me is to transmit to other people, to touch other people's souls, and it's great also to guess that a person feels all the feelings you have put on a pic:).
I love to feel the connection between the person I'm portraying and me,...

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I really love photography as a way of express myself, as a way to know, understand and see how life is, for me, through my eyes, and shows it through my photos.
But the most important thing for me is to transmit to other people, to touch other people's souls, and it's great also to guess that a person feels all the feelings you have put on a pic:).
I love to feel the connection between the person I'm portraying and me, and to feel how my heart beats quicker, it's just magic :). I really enjoy portrayin' i cant imagine another way of being more happy.

Not all the photography has to be beautiful but I really think that all the people are beautiful in a way...

"I've never met a person I couldn't call a beauty. Each person has beauty at some point in their lifetime." A. Warhol

But the thing is to feel and to think when u're shotting.

"To take a photograph means to recognize – simultaneously and within a fraction of a second– both the fact itself and the rigorous organisation of visually perceived forms that give it meaning.
It is putting one’s head, one’s eye, and one’s heart on the same axis."
Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004)

I'm from the Canary Islands, Spain but I'm a citizen of the world :)

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